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Things Cats Don’t Care About

November 15, 2024

Does your cat turn into a furry, meowing little diva whenever you’re late with her breakfast? This is a huge faux paw … as is being late with your kitty’s second, third, or fourth breakfasts. Our feline friends take mealtimes very, very seriously. Of course, there are also quite a few things that they really just don’t care about. A local Coquitlam, British Columbia vet lists some of those below.

Your Plants

Many cats love to sniff at and nibble on green leaves. Fluffy always looks cute peeking out at her  humans from behind plants and pretending to be a ferocious panther! To be fair, plants actually do offer stimulation and enrichment for kitties. Your feline friend will probably enjoy being able to smell and taste leaves. 

Just be sure to only set out plants that are safe for cats. The ASPA has a fantastic list here. Also, be careful about how you arrange plants. That macrame holder may look cute, but your pet may want to bat at the dangling part … and could bring the plant crashing down onto herself. Keep heavier pots on floor level.

Fluffy is not purrticularly concerned about the plants! She also has a penchant for absolutely destroying some plants. 

Your Furniture

Our feline pals are absolute masters at getting comfortable. Fluffy is purrfectly content to drape herself over the back of your sofa. She also isn’t shy about using your couch or chair to do her nails.

Don’t get angry at your pet for these mishaps! Your feline pal isn’t deliberately trying to destroy your things: she’s just naturally driven to keep her claws sharp. This actually makes purrfect sense. After all,  our feline buddies rely on their nails for survival in the wild. Fluffy’s paw daggers are her main form of defense. Plus, they allow her to climb trees to reach shelter and safety, hunt her dinner, and leave kitty graffiti on tree trunks. Your pet may only climb your bed, and she may never hunt anything more than catnip mice and dust bunnies, but the instinct is still there.

Your Timetable

Have you ever been awakened by a hangry feline? Your meowing overlord simply will not tolerate her breakfast(s) being late! She also sometimes wakes up her humans in the middle of the night by pouncing on our feet or even jumping on us.

If your playful pet gets rowdy when you’re trying to sleep, try playing with her before bed. The point is to tire your furry buddy out with a vigorous play session, so she will be ready for yet another nap.

Your Purrsonal Comfort

Speaking of napping, does your furry buddy somehow manage to take up the entire bed while relegating you to a strip at the edge? We’re guessing that’s a yes for many of you. Fluffy isn’t losing sleep over it, though. We’ll also save the topic of kitty physics for later.

Proper Petiquette

Cats can be very loving and affectionate, which is part of why they melt our hearts so easily. However, Fluffy can also be temperamental, and has been known to suddenly bite or scratch without warning. Your feline friend may also deliberately ignore you when you try to call her, or clean herself in the middle of the room. How rude! 

The Dog

Man’s Best Friend and Man’s Second Best Friend have had a rocky relationship over the years, with lots of ups and downs along the way. In some households, they have actually become quite close. In others? Not so much. Of course, while many times the pooch is the aggressor, sometimes the kitty is the bully. Fluffy also has no qualms about stealing Fido’s beds, batting their noses, or even smacking him in the face!

Your Job

We don’t have a solid tally of how many of our feline patients have crashed their humans’ Zoom calls or walked on their laptops, but it’s probably safe to say that the number isn’t zero.

Visiting Their   Veterinarians

Many of our feline patients are, well, a bit less than thrilled to come and see us. We understand completely. A big part of this is actually the drive into the clinic. We of course will do everything we can to make things easier on our adorable patients, and to make appointments quick, easy, and comfortable for them. However, our attempts to explain to Fluffy that proper veterinary care will make her healthier—and ultimately, happier—haven’t worked.

That said, proper veterinary care is crucial to Fluffy’s health. Keep up with those appointments. In between visits, keep an eye out for signs of sickness. Contact your Coquitlam, British Columbia  vet if you notice anything that seems off.

The Laws Of Physics

One reason cats are so entertaining is the way they can jump, bend, and twist. Fluffy’s acrobatics are pretty impressive! There is a reason for this. Our feline friends have very small clavicles. They also have more room between their vertebrae than most mammals. This allows their spines to move more freely. Also, their shoulder blades are not attached by bone, but by muscle. 

That aside, we still have to raise an eyebrow at the fact that these little balls of fur can sleep comfortably in conformations we would usually associate with knots. We also aren’t entirely convinced that Fluffy isn’t secretly using wormholes.

Local Wildlife

Kitties are excellent hunters. In fact, we first befriended them because of their talent at catching rodents and other varmin. However, Fluffy doesn’t just kill to catch her supper. She actually enjoys it. Given how many species are threatened or endangered, this definitely raises concerns. We recommend keeping your furry little murderess safe and sound inside, and giving her catnip mice to hunt, instead of real ones.

Make An Appointment At Our Coquitlam, British Columbia  Animal Clinic

Is your feline pal due for an exam? Are you looking for a great veterinarian in the area? Please feel free to contact us anytime. As your Coquitlam, British Columbia  pet hospital, we are dedicated to offering purrfect care.

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