Our mission is to provide top quality oral care through education and compassion. We will address the dental needs of your pet in a friendly and caring environment while maintaining a clear and prompt communication with you before, during and after your pet is under our care.
Better treatment @BarnDoorVet
The specialized services we offer include Advanced Dentistry, careful Anesthesia procedures, Digital Intraoral X-ray, and Extractions. Our veterinary team is constantly working with professionals in the field to help our community get access to advanced treatments.
Advanced Dental Equipment
We use a human piezo-electric ultrasonic dental scaler that allows us to clean teeth thoroughly and efficiently.
We use a veterinary dental unit with high speed hand-piece (drilling, cutting, sectioning) and low speed hand-piece (polishing) which allow us to perform from advanced surgical dental procedures to teeth scaling and polishing with speed, efficiency and safety.
In addition to the our dental unit we have invested in a large number of manual dental equipment (periodontal explorer, scalers, curettes, elevators, luxators, forceps, etc) to accomplish our dental procedures in the least traumatic manner assuring a fast healing and reducing post operative pain and discomfort.
Anesthesia is an area of concern for most pet owners. We want to assure you that we take all necessary safety measures prior starting such event such as: conduct a complete physical examination, do pre-surgical blood work, review prior medical history and consider their level of stress in order to design an specific and individual anesthetic protocol according to age and condition.
We use a gentle sedative to reduce stress before the anesthesia is performed. We keep our patient on IV fluids during and after the procedure. Anesthesia is maintained using fast acting inhalant gas (Isoflurane), this means fast effect and fast recovery after stopping the gas flow. We use multi-modal analgesia to keep pain under control, for example using “dental blocks “(freezing) just like our human dentists. It is very important to keep a slight anesthesia (therefore maintaining a good blood pressure, heart rate and strength, breathing rate, body temperature and faster recovering once is stopped).
We use state-of-the-art monitoring equipment including Doppler blood pressure, Oxygen saturation, and Temperature recording. In addition we have a dedicated Registered Veterinary Technician (RVT) next to the patient monitoring all vital signs every 5 minutes throughout the whole procedure.
Digital Intraoral X-rays
We perform full mouth digital intraoral X-rays (usually 8 to 10 in a cat, up to 24 in a very large dog) to assure the tissue under the gum line (tooth roots and the bone supporting the teeth) is healthy and after each tooth extraction.
Extractions are another area of concern for pet owners. When extractions are necessary, we perform surgical extractions that result in less trauma and faster healing. We always take post-extraction intraoral X-rays to assure no complications are present (retained root tips, fractures, etc) and then close the opening with absorbable sutures (will dissolve on their own). Before starting any procedure we will call you and explain in detail the problem(s) in your pet’s mouth and will ask you to authorize us to proceed accordingly (informed consent).
All dental procedures
Dr. Alberto does all aspects of the dental work for your pet at the clinic. He personally does the oral assessment, takes and evaluates the oral xrays, performs all dental procedures and surgical extractions and finally finishes with the scaling and polishing of the healthy teeth.